Spankers and Ticklers
These spankers and ticklers are role-playing props between consenting adults looking for exciting fun in the bedroom. For instance, the crops, paddles and small floggers are ideal for couples starting on their BDSM adventures. Made from various materials, wood, leather, satin, and faux fur.
The ticklers are the most non-intimidating and provide fun and laughter during play. Made from exotic materials like feathers tied to a stick and other fluffy material that tantalise the skin when touched.
Ticklers and spankers.
Touching the feathers off naked skin sends a shiver of excitement down your lover’s spine. Each touch feels erotic and excites nipples and other erogenous areas. Also, you will enjoy fluffy foreplay with every touch on your excited skin. From feet, thighs, back, breasts, testicles and any other part you can touch.
For even more fun, use the belt from a bathrobe as an eye mask, and every touch becomes more intense.
Is it okay to spank?
This is a frequent question, and the answer is always yes. Gentle spanking during lovemaking gives exciting new thrills to the spanker and the spanked. However, the word to watch is gentle, as no person wants to be hurt or cause a loved one discomfort.
Couples also use role-playing ideas when using spankers and ticklers. These games are played during foreplay, and couples use other props (ropes, blindfolds, handcuffs, and nipple clamps) for even more fun.
How To Ask For A Spanking?
Bondage play is about trust between couples, and with suitable sex toys, it is fun and exciting. If you want to introduce bondage and role-playing games into your bedroom games, get some props for your bedroom. For example, some sex toy kits come with a blindfold and paddle and will give the perfect excuse to ask for a spanking.
Or, while using massage oil on your partner, a gentle smack on the bum will go unnoticed. However, the best way to get a spanking is to ask straight up. Watching the film 50 Shades with your lover can also be the ideal time.
How to Use a Spanking Paddle?
Gently and with fun in mind, spanking paddles will have couples smiling and giggling like school girls. First, take turns to play the dominant one before having fun getting a good spanking. In addition, wearing a blindfold will make every touch from your lover more thrilling and exciting.
Dress for the occasion in sexy lingerie or a nice pair of shorts to bring a touch of mischief. Giving your partner a spanking is exciting, and watching the redding of their buttocks is sensual.
Spankers and ticklers are fun to use; every couple should put it on their to-do list.